What is the SCIT Youth Council/Youth Group?
Motivated youth who wanted to form a recognized and sanctioned group so that all tribal youth could have a voice within the community. The SCIT Youth Council is comprised of two Co-Chiefs (one female and one male), Treasurer, Secretary, Social Director/Fun Police, and five General Representatives. The Youth Group is all other members who participate in meetings and events.

Who may join the Youth Group?
Youth in the community between the ages of 12 to 19 years old are welcome to join the group at any time.

Do I have to be a SCIT Tribal Member to join the group?
No, the group is open to all youth in the community who want to make a difference.

Do I have to be a SCIT Tribal Member to hold a Youth Council Seat?
The 10 Youth Council seats are held by SCIT Tribal Member youth; however there are circumstances in which the Youth Council may appoint up to two Non-SCIT Tribal Members to hold General Representative seats.

Why should I join?
Youth who are in the group have experience in teamwork skills, planning events, establishing & adhering to a budget, and the ability to offer input when the Tribal Government seeks opinions on youth services. The SCIT Youth Council/Youth Group is proactive groups that will help lead you into a brighter and healthier future. Also, giving back through community service instills a sense of pride in our community and provides personal satisfaction. All of these activities provide experience that can be referenced when applying to college or applying for a job.

Where do I get more information about joining the SCIT Youth Council/Youth Group?
Brochures with information about the SCIT Youth Council//Youth Group can be found at your schools Native American Advocate office, the Tribal Library and at the Eagles Nest tribal gymnasium.