Aanii fellow Tribal members

Chief Maynard Kahgegab

11/12/2003 12:00:00 AM

Aani fellow Tribal members:

The Oct. 22 community meeting had one of the highest attendance rates to date. More than 450 Tribal members gathered to hear about the successes, threats and opportunities facing our Tribe and how several factors will impact our prosperity for generations to come. Tribal members were informed of the threats facing our nation and how per capita and benefits could be destroyed if we let our guard down and become vulnerable. Many Tribal members expressed concern after the meeting that the future of our Tribe is in danger given desperate campaign promises by some Council candidates at secret meetings, which they legally cannot keep.

For example, one group has promised to stop the disenrollment procedures for good if they are elected to office. The Indian Civil Rights Act and our Tribal Appeals Court decisions allow any Tribal member to file a lawsuit forcing Tribal Council to follow the law and our constitution regarding Tribal enrollment. We cannot, by law, pay benefits to any individual who does not meet the legal criteria. Therefore, this promise to stop disenrollment procedures for good cannot be kept.

On the other end of the campaign spectrum, another group of candidates has promised they will start a massive disenrollment that would in effect remove more than 800 people from the rolls. This too is not legal. Starting a massive disenrollment that breaks the law established by the courts would be illegal and jeopardize our casino operation. Illegal mass disenrollment could only bring us closer to a possible shut down of our casino by officials. Clearly, this is not in the best interest of our families and our future.

Of great concern by many is the promise by some candidates to fire all of our top lawyers, lobbyists and consultants that work everyday to protect our Tribe from outside threats and who work constantly to keep our per caps and benefits safe. We should not have to face a future of lost benefits and lost Tribal government services.

The Tribal Council election is Nov. 4 and the future of our Tribe is in your hands. Can we take a chance on losing a large portion of our per cap and benefits? Our Tribe is the second largest employer in the congressional district. We are a great nation and have earned our rightful place at the table. We cannot risk our future.


Chief Maynard Kahgegab, Jr.