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WOD 8/15/18
8/15/2018 9:26:00 AM - L.I.F.E log


2-3 Minutes Move

1 Samson Lunge Walk

1 Spider Crawl Stretch

10 Pass Throughs

20 Alternating Shoulder Press w/Dumbbells

1 Bear Crawl

5 I, Y, T's

10 Split Jerks w/PVC

2 sets Warm-up on Split Jerk on empty bar




Split Jerk

*Rest as needed



20 Wall Balls (20/12)

4 Farmer Carries (55/30)

16 Wall Balls (20/12)

3 Farmer Carries (60/35)

12 Wall Balls (20/12)

2 Farmer Carries (65/40)

8 Wall Balls (20/12)

1 Farmer Carry (70/45)

*For Time



3 x 8 of: 

Single Shoulder Press w/Upside Down Kettlebell




More L.I.F.E log Articles


guest777223 - 8/17/2018 8:29:30 AM
JH - 5:34 155, 165, 175, 185, missed 200 2x

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