Personal Protection Orders

A Personal Protection Order (PPO) is a court order that protects victims of Family Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking. A PPO is filled out by a Petitioner (the individual that needs protection) against a Respondent to stop or restrain the Respondent from the following:

  • Contacting the Petitioner through any means – in person, via phone, mail, email, social media, etc.
  • Entering the Petitioner’s residence property or work place
  • Assaulting, attacking, beating, or wounding the Petitioner
  • Harassing, stalking, or threatening the Petitioner
  • Removing any minor children from where they live unless their removal is part of a court-ordered visitation
  • Interfering with the Petitioner’s effort to remove his/her children or property
  • Purchasing or possessing a firearm
  • Interfering with or engaging in a conduct that impairs the Petitioner’s employment or educational environment
  • Allowing non-custodial parent from having access to the Petitioner’s home or work address, or telephone number through a minor child’s records
  • Any other specific act that interferes with the Petitioner’s personal liberty or causes a reasonable fear of violence

A Personal Protection Order (PPO) is a court order that protects victims of Family Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking. PPO is filled out by a Petitioner (the individual that needs protection) against a Respondent to stop or restrain the Respondent from the following
  • Evict a person in a landlord/tenant relationship
  • Establish custody or parenting time
  • Protect personal property from damage
  • Mediate neighbor disputes
  • Stop a person from being rude or spreading rumors
  • Remove a person from a place they have a legal right to be, such as a local store

A Personal Protection Order (PPO) is a court order that protects victims of Family Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault or Stalking. A PPO is filled out by a Petitioner (the individual that needs protection) against a Respondent to stop or restrain the Respondent from the following:
  • Domestic Relationship PPO --- the respondent is
    (a) current/former spouse,
    (b) current/former dating relationship,
    (c) current/former resident of your household, or
    (d) you have a child in common.
  • Stalking PPO --- --- if you and the respondent do not have a current or former domestic relationship, then you MUST establish that the respondent has been stalking you. *NOTE* Stalking must involve two or more separate and non-continuous acts/incidents to be ruled as stalking.

  • A PPO is a civil action between citizens.
  • A “no-contact” bond condition can be enforced on a defendant during a pending criminal prosecution. It means that a defendant cannot personally, or through a third party, contact, call, or write, etc. the victim or any other party with whom the judge orders the defendant to have “no contact “with. A “no- contact” condition can stay in effect for the entire duration of the criminal case, or until the victim requests that it be removed or lifted, requiring the judge’s approval.

If you do not meet the PPO requirements, please continue to document the threats/harassment via police incident reports or by using a harassment log to help justify a personal protection order at a later date. You can attempt to file for an order of protection again with the new information/incidents included.