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Good reminders for when you or your kids are operating ORVs
5/28/2020 3:55:00 PM - 2% Distributions

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Attention Tribal Members:


The following are a few good reminders for when you or your kids are operating ORVs. Please take time to review some of the key points of the Tribal Code below.


We also wanted to remind everyone that the Tribal Police Department looks forward to offering the ORV safety class as soon as it is safe to do so. We offer classes annually and will be offering a class as soon as it’s deemed safe to do so. You are currently able to complete the ORV safety class online through the State of Michigan. The website is


If you have any questions, the entire ORV code is available on the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe’s website at:


Please ride safe and responsibly!


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