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National Prevention Week | May 13-19, 2018
5/17/2018 1:25:00 PM - Behavioral Health


Illicit drug use is a widespread problem in the United States. This includes the use of marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants, as well as the nonmedical use of prescription-type pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives. Drug use among people of all ages is dangerous because it can lead to addiction, reduced self-control, and impaired decision-making, in addition to other serious consequences. Some drugs can alter the brain in ways that persist after the person has stopped taking drugs, and may even be permanent.

 What Communities Can Do



Get involved in your child’s day-to-day activities and discuss the risks of using illicit drugs. By being involved early and consistently, you can help prevent problem before they occur.


Health Care Providers

  • Inform patients who use marijuana that, contrary to what many people believe, marijuana is harmful and addictive
  • Have a conversation with patients about how use of cocaine, inhalants, and other drugs may be putting their health at risk. Apply the Five A’s of Intervention: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and
  • Arrange. Refer to the Resource Guide on Screening for Drug Use in General Medical Settings, available at, for more information.



  • Improve the learning environment by addressing students’ aggressive behaviors and poor concentration, which are risks associated with the eventual onset of drug abuse and related problems



Drug-free workplace programs can help employers create cost-effective, safe, and healthy workplaces. Studies have indicated that successful  drug-free workplace programs generally have at least five key components:

  • A written policy
  • Employee education
  • Supervisor training
  • An employee assistance program (EAP)
  • Drug testing.

Before considering these five components, employers should examine the needs of their organizations and take steps to ensure that the  programs they design will work well in their workplaces. Download SAMHSA’s Drug-Free Workplace Kit from Making-Your-Workplace-Drug-Free/SMA07-4230 for more information about implementing a drug-free workplace program.



Many signs may indicate that someone is using illicit drugs, and could also point to other problems. Signs to look for include:

  • Evidence of drug paraphernalia or inhalant products;
  • Changes in friends, the use of secretive language, increased secrecy about possessions or activities, negative changes in school or job performance;
  • Increased use of sprays, perfumes, or mouthwash to mask smoke or chemical odors; and
  • An increase in borrowing money.

Drugs are tough to talk about especially with are youth, but it’s a talk we all need to have.  If you have questions or need assistance relating to this subject please call the Saginaw Chippewa Behavioral Health/Prevention Department, at (989) 775-4823 Kevin Ricketts, (989) 775- 4818 Catherine Bouchard, (989) 775-4882 Carrie Carabell 

All of the information that’s provided may not be the answer for everyone, but it could be an answer for someone, please share, thank you. 


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Prevention Week