Customer Service Award winners announced
Observer Staff
11/12/2003 12:00:00 AM
The votes have been tallied and the 2003 Customer Service Awards winners are official.
During Customer Service Week, associates placed their votes for the one person in the organization they felt was most deserving of a Customer Service Award.
The names of the winners will be displayed in the back hallway of the Casino and Hotel and also at Tribal Operations.
Thank you to our winners for being shining examples of what excellent guest service is all about.
Award winners will soon receive a formal invitation to attend the Customer Service Awards Banquet scheduled Thursday, Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon
The winner who received the most votes will receive special recognition at the banquet.
We have got a world class team and through imagination, enthusiasm, and professionalism, we champion service excellence!
Gaming award winners: Kathy Backus, Accounting; Sandy Nolan, Bingo; Paul Mankowski, Central Plant; Dawn Harless, Finance Cashier; Brian Buzanowski, Hard Count; Carol Boerma, Maintenance; John Gerhard, Inventory Control; Brandie Burgett, Table Games; Jan Price, Security; Mickey Sparks, Slot Attendant; Nancy Perry, Soft Count; and Brian Middlebrook, Surveillance.
Tribal Operations award winners: Ed Rohen, Information Tech,; Linda Young, Slot Palace Gift Shop; Twila Schrot, Nimkee Clinic; Diane Faix, Fitness Center; Pete Elizalde, Montessori; Ray Shafe, Purchasing; Greg Moeggenborg, Maintenance; Marilee Fleming, Parks & Recreations; Tina Myers, At-Large; Jackie Reger, Accounting; and Jane Johnson, Gaming Commission.
Hospitality award winners: Cheri Courter, Cashier Banking; David Acles, Banquet Server; Candy Bowker, Waitstaff; Mary Terwilliger, Buffet; Brien Duffy, Catering; Betty Riddle, Culinary Casino; Kelly Sersaw, Concierge; Marc Forrest, Food & Beverage; Amber Krueger, Front Desk; Troy Ban Alstine, Function Service; Beth Block, Guest Services; Greg Lott, Housekeeping Casino; Carol Kinne, Culinary Hotel; June Scheall, Housekeeping Hotel; Nicole Wentworth, Marketing; Mary Leiferman, Players Club; Maggie Pline, Reservations; Jason Dimmick, Sinikaung; Mike Koontz, Stewarding; Honi Ablin, Switchboard; Anita Bussler, Tour & Travel; Cliff Mahan, Transit Driver; and Jonathan Wines, Water Lily.