Chief Cloutier Gives Warm Welcome at Homecoming Community Meeting 7-28-16

Joseph V. Sowmick - July 28, 2016

Team Observer was on location at the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort with 29 other Tribal departments and businesses as they showcased their programs, services and products offered to the Tribal membership at the July 28 Homecoming Community Meeting.  The homecoming started with a traditional Grand Entry as the Anishinabe Ogichedaw Veteran’s Warrior Society marched in the Tribal Eagle Staff and flags as the High Spirit Singers sand with the heartbeat of our nation.  Tribal Elder Cynthia Floyd offered a beautiful invocation and blessing for the meal prepared by the Soaring Eagle Food & Beverage department.

Tribal Members - Click Here to view the Community Meeting online!

Interim Public Relations Director Erik Rodriguez served as the master of ceremonies for the homecoming community meeting and informs there were 472 in attendance with 303 members coming from District 1, 5 from District 2 and 164 from District 3.

“It was a wonderful turnout and it was great to see everyone at the powwow and attending the many community events offered throughout the weekend,” Public Relations Manager Marcella Hadden said.  “Many members that came through the door appreciated the improved computer registration process offered through the Information Technology department and it helped streamline the process and got people in the meeting faster.”

Tribal Chief Frank Cloutier provided an extensive overview of activity that has occurred since the January 23 meeting and Tribal Council Treasurer Gayle Ruhl provided a financial update for the membership.  Other presenters included General Legal Counsel Sean Reed, Interim SECR CEO Bob Van Wert, SECR Marketing director Raul Venegas, SECR Director of Facilities Steven Jablonski and Migizi Project/Property Manager Lisa Darnell who introduced new Migizi CEO Robert Juckniess.  The Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council was also present as Tribal youth Ethan Hunt introduced his fellow Council members and gave an update on their recent Unity trip to Washington, D. C.

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