Grandparents Day at Andahwod 9-13-15

Joseph V. Sowmick - September 14, 2015

In a continuing effort to provide bonus coverage, Team Observer was on site September 13 with the Andahwod Continuing Care Community & Elder Services staff at their annual Grandparents Day Extravaganza.  The event brought many smiles, families and fun as the program provided a maze bouncy house and an ice cream sundae bar for the kids and the young at heart.  SCIT Youth Council representatives Elissa Schlegel and Kathryn Pierce sold cotton candy to the appreciative crowd while Andahwod staff grilled hot dogs and served mac and cheese with beverages.



Andahwod Senior Assisted Living Administrator Gayle Ruhl was impressed with the turnout and with the team work from the staff to get the event together.  “I would like to offer a thank you to everyone who helped out and a special thanks for our staff who showed up on their day off and put in the extra effort above and beyond their regular job duties,” Ruhl said.  “It was really great beyond words. You can tell by all the people who showed and stayed because they were enjoying themselves. It went so much better than I expected … tenfold and more!”

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