50th Anniversary Water Ceremony with Okaya, Japan 8-19-15

Joseph V. Sowmick - August 19, 2015

In an effort to provide bonus coverage, Team Observer joins with the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan and the City of Mt. Pleasant as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our Sister City relationship with Okaya City (located in the Nagano Prefecture in Japan).  Ziibiwing Cultural Society Assistant Director Judy Pamp and her family joined Mayor Jim Holton and the Mt. Pleasant delegation as she offered a smudge and water ceremony for Okaya City Mayor Ryugo Imai and their community on the banks of Lake Suwa.


Gzhe Manidoo! Great Spirit! ?????

Miigwetch nangwa waamdamaa miinwaa ngoding giizhigak.

(Today I give thanks for seeing another day)


Miigwetch kina gego ga-miizhyaang.

(Thank you for everything that you gave us)


Miigwetch kina gego gaatoowin maampii akiing.

(Thank you for all the things that you put here on earth)


Miigwetch ga-miizhyaang Ngidziimnaanik,

Ndinwendaagnenaanik miinwaa Nwiijkiiyenhnaanik

(Thank you for giving us our parents, our relatives and our friends)


Miigwetch Manidook Ode Nekeyiing Eyaajik Waabanong,

Zhaawanong, Epnigishmok miinwaa Kiiwedanong.

(Thank you spirits that are in the East, South, West and North)


Miigwetch Noodin, Nbiish, Mshkode

miinwaa Akiing Mnidook.

(Thank you spirits of the Wind, Water, Fire and Earth)


Miigwetch ge’e wesiinhik miinwaa bineshiinhik.

(Thank you also for the animals and birds)


Miigwetch maanda nbiish, Gzhe Manidoo.

(Thank you for this water, Great Spirit)


Ezaakiimagak, wesiinhik miinaa bemaadzidjik

mnikwenaa’aa maanda nbiish akiing etemagak.

(The plants, animals and people drink this water that’s on earth)


Miinshinaang Nokaadendamowin weweni

ji maamwi nakiiyaang.

(Give us peace so that we will work well together)


Naadamooshinaang weweni ji maamwi maaseyaang.

(Help us to walk well together)


Miigwetch Gzhe Manidoo,

Miigwetch, Miigwetch, Miigwetch.

(Thank you Great Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank you)



Judy gifted Mayor Imai with a hand drum made by Seventh Generation artisans Ben Hinmon and Lee Ann Ruffino on behalf of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.  A full story of the ceremony will be featured in the upcoming September edition of the Tribal Observer.

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