Second installment of summer kickball.

Joseph V. Sowmick - July 10, 2015



In an effort to provide bonus coverage, Team Observer partnered with the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police, Fire and Housing departments to bring the second installment of summer kickball to Broadway Field on July 9.  SCIT Housing Manager April Borton and her staff served up the hot dogs and hamburgers and enjoyed seeing everyone having fun in the sun.


“On behalf of Tribal Housing, we are so happy to host the Kickball event which involves the community youth, Tribal Police and Tribal Fire. This is such a great way to build relationships to promote safety and unity in community,” Borton said.  “Everyone had a blast, it was good food, people and fun. I hope even more can make it out for the one on Wednesday August 12th from 4 to 7 pm.”


Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police Captain Donielle Bannon mentions her staff looks forward to playing with her emergency service colleagues at Tribal Fire and the Tribal youth.


“The officers who participated in the Community Kickball event from the Tribal Police Department were Sergeant Harry Ambs, Officer Derek Williams, Officer Joe Maxey and Officer Nathan Bazan”, Captain Bannon informs.  “We would like to thank Housing for organizing the event and everyone who made it out to join in the fun.  This is a fun community activity and we have a great time playing kickball with the kids.  We look forward to the next game.”


The last kickball event of the summer is slated to take place on August 12 from 4 to 7pm.


Joseph V. Sowmick, Hon.PhD

Tribal Observer – Photojournalist

office: (989)775-4010  website:



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