Unity with Youth Council 12-12-14

Joseph V. Sowmick - December 11, 2014

In an effort to provide bonus coverage, Team Observer joins with the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe in offering a message of worship in song and testimony at the 14th Annual Christmas Unity Service tomorrow.  The service will take place at the Eagles Nest Tribal Gym at the main Tribal Operations offices (7070 East Broadway, Mt. Pleasant) on Friday, Dec. 12 from 10am to 12 noon featuring local Native area churches including Faith Indian Church of the Nazarene, Chippewa Indian United Methodist Church, Saganing Indian Community Church and the Saginaw Chippewa Community Church.


The service also includes special music from Tribal employees and community members and the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Council and SCIT Tribal Administration is allowing Tribal employees to attend the service with their supervisors’ approval.  Rev. Robert Pego of the Saginaw Chippewa Community Church is the main sermon for this year’s theme, “The Little Gift”. 


Immediately following the service, a poinsettia drawing will take place for Tribal Elders sponsored by SCIT Public Relations and goodie bags will be distributed to community youth in attendance. The Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council are churning out “goodie bags” of peanuts, oranges, apples and other snacks for the Unity Service.  A free community lunch catered by SECR Food & Beverage and sponsored by the local area churches and SCIT Public Relations will round out the festivities.



Come out and celebrate the “reason for the season” with your family and the Tribal community on Friday, December 12 from 10am to 12 noon.  A live webcast will be available on www.sagchip.org during the service so our friends from other Tribes and Nations around the world can celebrate with us.  Spread the word with your friends and families on social media about the live webcast.

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