Migizi Employees “Make A Difference” for the CCN Diaper Drive

Joseph V. Sowmick - October 24, 2014


Migizi employees joined with thoughtful patrons and other community members to “make a difference” on Oct. 23 at the Soaring Eagle Waterpark & Hotel.

Soaring Eagle Waterpark Associate General Manager Melinda Coffin mentions the diaper pantry was originally operated under the Red Cross and we were glad to hear the Community Compassion Network chose to adopt this program and take on the responsibility of it. 

“The two days we held the diaper drive here at Soaring Eagle Waterpark and Hotel we received 1825 diapers and monetary donations totaling $385.  We are always happy to help give back to the community and our guests were happy to be able to enjoy the waterpark for their generous donations,” Coffin explains.  “We will have similar opportunities coming up in the near future to help other charitable organizations in the community.”

Community Compassion Network (CCN) Executive Director Faye Schaeffer informs CCN “Feeding Our Neighbors, Sharing Christ’s Love” began with mobile food trucks in 2005.  It was started as a result of a woman observing a mother and her children dumpster diving for food in Mt Pleasant.  

“CCN is currently serving the community through its twice-monthly Mobile Food Pantries. More than 600 guests receive supplemental food each time. Also, Nutrition Club bags are going home with between 500 and 600 Isabella County elementary school children twice monthly,” Schaeffer said.  “Most recently, CCN has partnered with William Ellis Brockman Infant Pantry.  CCN is honored to be working with the Brockman Family and to continue this important gift to the community. This partnership allows CCN to reach across and even wider spectrum of guests.” Schaeffer said the addition of the infant pantry will allow Community Compassion Network to supply formula, baby food and diapers to families with young children less than two years of age. CCN and the William Ellis Brockman Infant Pantry will kick off this partnership at the October 25th Community Days and the First Presbyterian Church located at 1250 Watson St. in Mt. Pleasant will be the permanent site of the Infant Pantry. 

Regular hours will begin on Nov. 4 and the Infant Pantry will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 2 pm.  Supplies will be provided for children less than two years of age. For your first visit please bring the infant’s birth certificate and your photo ID with your current address.

“None of this is possible without a large portion of our community’s dedication to make a difference,” Schaeffer notes. “Community Compassion Network is especially grateful to the Soaring Eagle Waterpark and the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe for the tremendous support including the many volunteer hands and financial support from their employees.”

Donations can be made online at ccnfeeds.org or mailed to Community Compassion Network, 1400 W Broomfield St, Mt Pleasant, MI  48858.  One can also visit CCN on both Facebook and their website ccnfeeds.org.



Migizi employees extend a helping hand to the Community Compassion Network with their Oct. 23 Diaper Drive. (Pictured left to right: Soaring Eagle Waterpark General Manager Bonnie Sprague, Promotions Assistant Cyairra Giordano, Faye Schaeffer, Promotions Assistant Alexis Armstrong, Bev and Hal Crawley and Associate General Manager Melinda Coffin.)

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