Sasiwaans Graduation

Joseph V. Sowmick - June 03, 2014

In an effort to provide bonus coverage, Team Observer joins with the Sasiwaans Anishinabe Language Revitalization Department and SCIT Public Relations in honoring the 2014 Step Up Graduation class at the Saginaw Chippewa Housing Pavilion on Tuesday, June 3.  

Tribal Chief Steve Pego stood with Sasiwaans Teacher Carol Bob and Apprentice Nicole Nedwash as each of the graduates received their Eagle feathers and diplomas. 

Chief Pego spoke to the graduates and families in attendance on the importance of being a leader in your Tribe.  “These are the Ojibwe language teachers of tomorrow, these are our drummers of tomorrow and we get to see that today,” Chief Pego states.  “The prophecy of the Eighth Fire is being fulfilled right before our eyes when we see our ways and our language come back to our people.”


Your 2014 Chijaakoonsag (Little Cranes) Graduates are Keyana Pelcher, Landon Pelcher-Harless, Keaton Quintero, Gary Shomin, Sandra Slater, Albert Trepanier and John “Sonny” Wemigwans.  2014 Sasiwaans Graduates photo courtesy of Niibing Giizis (Summer Moon Photography) and PR Manager Marcella Hadden.

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