SCIT General Election results

Joseph V. Sowmick - November 05, 2013

2013 General Election Results(.pdf)


In an effort to provide regular bonus coverage throughout the month, Team Observer joins the Saginaw Chippewa Caucus Committee in reporting the official   The Tribal Public Relations department released the certified results to the news media organizations at 10:02pm last evening and the Office of Tribal Clerk has the election results posted at Tribal Operations and the Public Safety polling locations.   “I would like to thank all the Caucus Committee Members for their hard work and dedication at the 2013 General Election and to Tribal Clerk Carol Emmendorfer and all her staff for their help,” Caucus Committee Chair Alice Jo Ricketts said.  “ Again, we have witnessed a huge turnout and our Tribal Members have spoken.  Good luck to all our newly seated Council members and to those who will continue their leadership within our Tribal Nation.”  The Council-elect candidates are scheduled to be sworn into office at the regular Council session in the Seniors room at 9am on Tuesday, December 3 with the Honorable Tribal Judge Patrick Shannon presiding.


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