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Honoring Saganing Traditional Powwow - Raffle
3/4/2024 4:24:00 PM - Saganing Powwow

Two prize options: 

(First winner drawn will get first pick) 

  • Prize 1: Meat package (with small freezer)
  • Prize 2: Meta Quest

Drawing: Sunday, June 9, 2024

3 p.m.  |  During the Saganing Traditional Powwow

Please contact Powwow Committee members for tickets:

Darcy Pilar, Elizabeth Chivis, Carla Bennett, Noelle Wells, Dabian Sprague,   Seryna Acuna, Niibin Sprague, Elizabeth Smith, Christina Cross and Reba Navajar.

*All proceeds will benefit the Saginaw Chippewa and Saganing Powwows

For more information, please email:

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